Do Halloween right...
Spooky and simple, this is a classic margarita recipe made with 1800 silver tequila, fresh lime juice, Cointreau, and some tweaks to get the color just right. Also- I did not end up with purple teeth after case you were worried. I also love the way the sugar rim looks like crushed amethyst. Fun drink!
Look for black or dark purple decorating sugar, if you can't find it, add sugar to a baggie and squish it around with food coloring to achieve the color you want.
Notes: Tequila is 1800 Tequila- Silver.
Ingredients: black sugar-salt, 1 1/2 ounces silver tequila, 1 ounce Cointreau, 1 tbsp. agave nectar, juice of 1/2 lime, 1/2 ounce red wine, black food coloring (or red/purple/brown).
Makes 1.
1. Make a sugar-salt rim: In a small bowl, add 1 tbsp black sugar and 1 tsp sea salt. Run a piece of cut lime around the rim of the glass. Dip generously into the sugar-salt mixture. Fill the glass with crushed ice.
2. Into a shaker, add ice, tequila, Cointreau, red wine, and agave. Set aside.
2. Squeeze lime into a small bowl or measuring cup. Dye to a dark purple-black color. Add to shaker. Shake it up!
3. Pour contents of shaker over into glass, garnish with a lime wedge.
#black magic margarita #black magic cocktail #halloween margarita #1800 tequila #halloween cocktail recipe
You list red wine in the ingredients, but not in the recipe. When should it be addded?